9 Benefits Of Being A Field Bettor

True responsible gambling is good for you and good for the Earth.

In craps, the field is a group of numbers:

2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, and 12.

A field bet is a bet that one of these numbers will appear on the next roll.

Your “bet units” can be nothing more than numbers on a score card. There is a $90 fine for gambling in a Connecticut State Park or Forest (CGS 447 § 23-4-1n). If you prefer real gambling, play with a small bankroll of 1¢ per day, play responsibly and discreetly.

The probability of rolling a field number is 16/36 (4/9), or 5:4 odds against. A fair 1:1 field bet is made by increasing the field payout by 4 units to achieve a neutral expected value of 20-20=0. There are several ways a fair field bet can be made, the most common being to score triple on the 2 and 12.

The field is a term for all the competitors in an outdoor contest, or all except the favorites. The field numbers are the numbers with the lowest probabilities. At some places in Louisiana the field is called the bayou.

How To Play Field Bets (Craps)
The rules are the same as regular craps, but in addition to playing the pass line, the shooter can field bet on any throw. Max bet for both pass and field is 1 unit. Score triple (3 units) on the 2 and 12. The player or team with the greatest bet unit total is the winner. If all players finish with a negative bet unit total, the round is a draw.

Practice shooting fields
There are an average of 4 fields per 9 throws. Try to beat the average!

Standard Craps Table / Court Dimensions (16-19mm dice)
Med: 12’ x 5’
Lg: 14’ x 5’
XL: 18’ x 5’

Proportional Athletic Field Dimensions (50mm dice)
Med: 31’7” x 13’2”
Lg: 36’10” x 13’2”
XL: 47’4” x 13’2”

9 Benefits Of Being A Field Bettor

In their workbook Freedom From Problem Gambling, UCLA Gambling Center encourages gamblers to “think about how gambling can impact peoples’ lives in both positive and negative ways.” They list seven areas to evaluate:

1. Physical health
2. Emotional health
3. Work situation
4. Financial situation
5. Social life
6. Legal situation
7. Family life

Being a crapshooter and field bettor can improve all these areas of your life, as well as two other areas:
8. Mental health
9. Spiritual life

Taking a Closer Look at the 9 Benefits
1. Physical health – Crap shooting and field betting invites us outdoors in the fresh air for aerobic exercise. It includes working on C.R.A.P.S., which stands for Core, Reflexes, Agility, Power and Speed.
2. Emotional health – Shooting craps is exciting, and when the game is responsible, the fun is maximized and the drama is minimized. The atmosphere is conducive to de-stressing and open connections with other players.
3. Work Situation – Responsible crapshooting and field betting with co-workers during work breaks can increase morale and prosperity. A comfortable work environment makes job sites safer.
4. Financial Situation – Shooting craps in a town or neighborhood league presents opportunities for networking, cooperation and mutual aid through valuable acquaintances and friendships with fellow players.
5. Social Life – Craps is fun to play with friends. Neighborhoods can use dice leagues for community bonding. Field bets encourage us to get outdoors, and spend time in relationship with other people and other living beings.
6. Legal Situation – Play responsibly and admirably to achieve renown and respect. This increases your power and autonomy. By living in accord with the higher laws of the universe, you you rise above mundane laws.
7. Family Life – Shooting dice can be part of Family Game Night. Living with love for our one human family and one family of creation can give us joy, hope, strength, and courage. Play outdoors for maximum benefit.

8. Mental Health – Take ownership of your mental health. Take at least 8 moments for mental health throughout the day. Simple games like craps and field bets can be valuable tools for spreading some good cheer and friendly competition.
9. Spiritual Life – People of all faiths and/or beliefs can experience benefits to their spiritual life from responsible field betting; if we try to live with responsibility every hour, on and off the field, and work to abolish predatory gambling systems and heal the wounds of unhealthy gambling behavior.

For Christians
St. Cajetan is the patron saint of gamblers and St. Sebastian is the patron saint of athletes.

Interfaith Council of North Connecticut
Center for Responsible Gambling

LCCL Dicing School